
Cleansing Guide


First 10 Days:

  1. ParaNix™ directions - Take 2 ParaNix™ capsules first thing in the morning on an empty stomach with one large glass of water. 
    1. For optimum results wait for about 30 minutes before you drink Internal Sweep™ powder.
  2. Internal Sweep™ directions - Shake the Internal Sweep™ container a few times, mix 1/4 scoop of Internal Sweep powder into a large glass of water (or juice). Scoop included in the Internal Sweep Jar.
    1. Start with as little as a 1/4 Scoop and slowly increase it to 1/2 scoop over the next 10 days.  
    2. After you have quickly mixed Internal Sweep™ with the liquid please drink it right away as the powder starts to absorb the liquid rather quickly (and you want that absorption inside your body rather than in the glass!).  
    3. You can eat your breakfast right after taking Internal Sweep™ or, if you have the time (for extra effectiveness, you can wait for 20-30 minutes before having breakfast).  
    4. PLEASE NOTE:  If you've never taken a high quality fiber product before, please begin slowly. Internal Sweep™, although 100% natural, is very potent. Our bodies badly need the various types of fiber but it takes many of us time to adjust. The same is true for KlenzTea™ - slowly increase the intake. 
  3. Gut Mate - Take 2 Micro Pearls along with Internal Sweep.
  4. KlenzTea™ directions - Drink 1 cup of KlenzTea™, preferably after your evening meal or right before going to bed.  
    1. As it is a very potent natural product and one tea bag is usually sufficient for 2 cups (approx. 6-7 fl oz per cup) – in other words 30 tea bags should last you 60 days.
    2. We recommend you start by steeping the tea bag in hot water for ONLY 2 MINUTES and, after the first 10 days of the program, increase the steeping time to 5 minutes. You can steep the tea in the evening, in a large glass of water which is equivalent to 2 cups.  Drink 1 cup of it after 2 minutes of steeping, take out the tea bag and leave the other cup of tea in the refrigerator for the next evening.  
  5. Water - During the day, drink 8-10  8-oz. (250 ml) glasses of water (1½ to 2 quarts). 
    1. Water is essential for the internal cleaning as much as it is for the external one, when we take showers. So it is not surprising that experts for centuries have been recommending drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day to people who want to be healthy. 
    2. If you think you cannot, for medical or other reasons, drink so much water, then drink as much as you can but take only half of the recommended amount of Internal Sweep™. In this case, the program may take longer but it is going to be effective nevertheless.  

Days 11-30:

  1. ParaNix™ directions - Take 5 ParaNix™ capsules first thing in the morning on an empty stomach with one large glass of water.  Those who weigh less than 130 lb. can take 3 capsules daily.
  2. Internal Sweep™ directions - Shake the Internal Sweep™ container a few times, mix 1/2 scoop of Internal Sweep powder into a large glass of water (or juice). Scoop included in the Internal Sweep Jar.
    1. Start with as little as a 1/2 Scoop and slowly increase it to 1 scoop over the next 10 days. Continue using 1 full scoop for the remainder of the cleanse. 
  3. Gut Mate® - Take 2 Micro Pearls along with Internal Sweep.
  4. Increase the steeping of KlenzTea™ to 5 minutes and drink it preferably after your evening meal or right before going to bed. As explained above, each little tea bag is sufficient for 2 cups, so 30 tea bags should last you 60 days.  Another very popular way to drink this famous tea is to steep two tea bags in 1 quart (34 fl oz or 1 liter) of water and put it into the refrigerator with the tea bags still inside.  This way you will have cold, refreshing and at the same time cleansing ice-tea which will last you for 4 cups (4 nights). You can keep this tea in the refrigerator for a few days without any problem.  Since everyone’s body is different, it is a good idea to experiment with the amount and the steeping time of the tea.  Your ideal result is at least 1 good bowel movement and ideally 2-3 bowel movements a day although at the beginning you may find that you have bowel movement even more frequently than that.  Reduce steeping time to decrease the frequency of stool and increase the steeping time of the tea to increase the frequency of the stool.  
  5. This is 100% natural herbal product that will help your body naturally strengthen the digestive tract and regulate the frequency of stool resulting in proper healthy elimination.  How do you know you have a proper healthy bowel movement?  If it floats and it’s 2-3 times a day - those are good indications. 
  6. For those who have done our cleansing program before, a 30-day cleanse is sufficient but for those using the program for the first time we recommend you go through it for 60 days to get maximum results. 

Days 30-60: For 60-Day Cleanse

  • Continue using Internal Sweep™, Gut Mate®, & KlenzTea™ as before, but  take a break for 6 days from using ParaNix™. Then start taking ParaNix again on Day 37, 5 capsules daily, and continue for the remainder of the cleanse. 


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The information provided on our website and emails are intended for your general knowledge only and they are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Please remember that each individual situation is different, and it's important that you make your own decision after consulting a health practitioner and doing your own research before using any supplements. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition