60 Day Cleanse
Days 1 - 10
2 ParaNix capsules
On an empty stomach, take 2 ParaNix capsules with a large glass of water. For optimum results, wait for about 30 min before you consume any solid food.
2 Gut Mate® Probiotic Micro Pearls
Take 2 Micro Pearls along with Internal Sweep.
1/4 a scoop of Internal Sweep Fiber
30 minutes after taking ParaNix, mix 1/4 scoop of Internal Sweep powder into a large glass of water (or juice) and drink it right away as the powder starts to absorb the liquid rather quickly (and you want that absorption inside your body rather than in the glass!). Start with as little as 1/4 of a scoop and gradually increase it to 1/2 scoop over next 10 days.
During the day, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water, 8-oz (250 ml) .
1 Cup of KlenzTea
Drink 1 cup of KlenzTea, after your evening meal or right before going to bed.
We recommend steeping the tea bag in hot water for only 2 minutes for the first 10 days of the cleanse.
KlenzTea is extremely potent and one tea bag is enough for 2 cups. 30 tea bags should last you 60 days
Days 11 - 30
5 ParaNix capsules
On an empty stomach, take 5 ParaNix capsules with a large glass of water. For optimum results, wait for about 30 min before you consume any solid food.
2 Gut Mate® Probiotic Micro Pearls
Take 2 Micro Pearls along with Internal Sweep.
1/2 scoop of Internal Sweep Fiber
30 minutes after taking ParaNix, mix 1/2 scoop of Internal Sweep powder into a large glass of water (or juice) and drink it right away as the powder starts to absorb the liquid rather quickly. Gradually increase Internal Sweep to 1 full scoop over the next 10 days. Continue using 1 full scoop for the remainder of the cleanse.
During the day, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water, 8-oz (250 ml) .
1 Cup of KlenzTea
Drink 1 cup of KlenzTea, after your evening meal or right before going to bed.
Increase steeping the Tea bag in hot water to 5 minutes for the rest of the cleanse.
Days 31 - 60
Continue using Internal Sweep, GutMate, and KlenzTea like before, but take a break from using ParaNix for 6 days.
Start taking ParaNix again on Day 37, 5 capsules daily, and continue for the remainder of the cleanse.
Days 1 - 60
During the day, drink eight to ten 8-oz (250 ml) glasses of water (1½ to 2 quarts).